Privacy Policy

Make Super Stuff Inc (“SuperStuff”) is committed to maintaining robust privacy protection for our users. This Privacy Policy clarifies our approach to gathering, using, disclosing, and safeguarding information concerning the Platform. It also provides insights into your choices regarding information collection and utilization.

Key Terms:
“Client(s)” refers to businesses and self-declared authorised representatives of businesses who are looking to purchase marketing services via the SuperStuff platform.

“Platform” refers to SuperStuff’s services accessed via the Site, including where SuperStuff facilitates matching and various levels of oversight between of Clients and Talent (“Users”). The Platform also includes the portfolio and all associated features with it.

“Talent” refers to freelance and full time marketing talent, self-declared authorised representatives of marketing agencies and marketing agencies who are offering marketing services via the SuperStuff platform.

This Privacy Policy encompasses information you furnish via the Platform and pertains to all Users, regardless of account status. For Users representing companies (such as businesses or corporate entities), utilizing the Platform implicates the company's adherence to this Privacy Policy, essentially considering the company a User too.

By accessing the Platform, you acknowledge that your personal information will be managed as laid out in this Privacy Policy. This implies that, unless otherwise specified, your information may be shared with other Users, aimed at facilitating the Platform and amplifying its features. You hereby consent to the handling of your personal information as described herein.

Please note that SuperStuff retains the right to amend or update this Privacy Policy at its discretion. We recommend you regularly visit this page. Material changes will be reflected by updating the 'Last updated' date above. Your continued use of the Platform post any such revisions signifies your acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

What we collect

SuperStuff gathers and utilizes information from,, and our Platform’s contributors like growth experts and project managers to facilitate Platform functionality. This information helps grant Users access to the Platform while enhancing its capabilities. This process aids in refining various Platform aspects, including access to Talent and Clients. User-provided information also allows us to tailor Platform features.

Our information collection occurs whenever you engage with our Platform. This encompasses website usage, interactions with project managers, or SuperStuff members via telephone, online, or in-person communication. Updates to your Account information and preferences also contribute to this collection.

We collect a range of information, including:
Personally Identifiable Information: This includes contact details, name, company name, email, phone number, physical and postal addresses, preferences, and experience details. Additional data might involve birthdates, taxpayer details, copies of government IDs, and photos. In some instances, we might request credit reports from you or third-party agencies.
Payment Information: Financial account data, credit card info, billing particulars, and payment preferences.
Platform Data: This encompasses analytics data gathered through third-party tools for gauging traffic and usage trends. Such data assists in enhancing the Platform, presented in aggregate to ensure anonymity.
Project and Pitch Information: Further data is collected related to Clients and Agency Talent, encompassing project and pitch details, budgets, locations, work histories, timing, rates, feedback, and ratings.

Under specific circumstances, legal requirements might necessitate SuperStuff to collect certain personal information.
We may also retain messages exchanged via the Platform, customer service communication, and content posted on the Platform.

Both personally identifiable and non-identifying information may be combined to enrich the Platform. SuperStuff strives to maintain the confidentiality of project and work history details for Clients and Talent. Nevertheless, the information provided might allow Talent and other Users to deduce your identity or company. We're open to updates regarding your information preferences. While we make earnest efforts to secure data, SuperStuff does not assume responsibility for any leakage of confidential information on our Platform. Therefore, we require all parties sharing information to indemnify us against any liabilities arising from the disclosure of such information.

How we use your information
SuperStuff uses the data you furnish to us to facilitate, enhance, and promote the Platform.
These functions encompass:
Platform Performance: This involves connecting Clients with Talent, constructing Portfolios and managing briefs and pitches. All information is facilitated with the goal of helping Clients do great work while giving great work to Talent.
Financial Management: Activities such as billing, payments, fraud prevention, and authentication.
Communication: This covers Platform-related updates, marketing or promotional content, and communications pertinent to your Platform use.
Analytics and Improvements: Site analysis, functionality testing, enhancements, and error protection.
Security and Compliance: Crime prevention, fraud detection, compliance with laws and Platform rules.
Third-party Collaboration: Partnering with service providers for Platform provision and additional marketing efforts.
Promotion: Sharing materials relevant to Platform promotion and its features.
Quality Management and Training: Enhancing quality and personnel capabilities.
Other Activities: Carrying out tasks indicated on the SuperStuff website, throughout the Platform, or in this Privacy Policy's updates.

Through Platform usage, you permit SuperStuff to use and disclose your personal data according to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By consenting to this, you also agree to be contacted via communication details you provide through the Platform or linked means. If you prefer not to be contacted, kindly email to opt out of communications.

SuperStuff holds the right to share your information for the provision of the Platform, maintaining website functionality, complying with the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, or other Policies, and for necessary purposes at its sole discretion. Such sharing adheres to confidentiality obligations with involved parties. As a Platform User, you are also bound by confidentiality obligations stated in our Terms of Use.

Potential recipients of your information include (but are not limited to):
Clients and/or Agency Talent
Third-party service providers crucial for Platform execution (like web hosting, IT providers, payment processors)
Parties in commercial relations with SuperStuff
Affiliated corporate entities and SuperStuff's affiliates
Relevant authorities for compliance with legal mandates
Entities and individuals to whom you've provided consent (directly or through SuperStuff)
Data aggregation, analytics, and market research services
Participants in contests, sweepstakes, sponsors, and partners as you choose to engage
Relevant parties in events of change of control, merger, or acquisition, as defined in this Privacy Policy
Information shared to the Platform
Any information or User content you upload to the site, or share offline with an agent of SuperStuff may be visible to Platform and Platform Users.  This includes past work, briefs, pitches, name, image/logo particulars, skills, feedback, company specifics, and location. Although we aim for confidentiality for requested situations, we cannot ensure it, and you recognize that Users might identify you through posted briefs or other information. You acknowledge and consent to SuperStuff, Clients, and Talent sharing project details and briefs. The sharing of such information is solely at SuperStuff's discretion. We will not share any financial or payment information.
You are exclusively responsible for the information added to the Platform, within Platforms and profiles. SuperStuff doesn't verify the accuracy of data you share nor will take responsibility for misrepresentation.

If you choose to share information or content on sections of the Platform accessible to the public, including the portfolio, it becomes publicly available. Even if you delete such information from the Platform, it might still appear in cached, archived pages, or in the records of other Users. Please be aware that any personally identifiable information or confidential information you opt to post in this manner is your responsibility. Users take full responsibility for confidential information they post about past or upcoming work (including under NDA) that is shared via the Platform; SuperStuff will bear no liability for User breaches in confidentiality.


When you register with SuperStuff or indicate interest in receiving communications from SuperStuff, SuperStuff may communicate via email for both transactional and or promotional purposes. Should you wish to avoid receiving such email messages and communications, you can either opt out or modify your account preferences. Reach out to us at for further assistance. Please note that opting out of Platform-related transactional emails and communications is not possible if you have a live or upcoming project; or a live portfolio. By continuing to maintain an account and/or use the Platform, you recognize and consent to SuperStuff's ability to continue delivering Platform-related emails and communications.

Tracking your usage of the Platform
Cookies and Tracking: When using the Platform, we may send cookies to your computer, enhancing login speed and navigation. Cookies provide insights into your Platform usage (e.g., viewed pages, clicked links), aiding tracking over time. Session cookies vanish after closing your browser, while persistent cookies remain for subsequent visits. You can adjust your browser settings to reject cookies, but some Platform features may be affected.

Log File: Details Each time you access the Platform, your browser automatically reports log file information. This includes your web request, IP address, browser type, and interactions with links. We may merge this with third-party services like Google Analytics to bolster site function, security, and enhancements.

Beacons: Web beacons anonymously monitor Users' online habits on the Platform. Additionally, we may employ beacons in HTML emails to track opens and clicked links, refining reporting and Platform betterment.

Links and references to third party websites
The SuperStuff Platform may link to external websites and service providers. Our policies solely pertain to SuperStuff sites. Linking to third-party websites isn't an endorsement, and our policies don't extend to them. When you leave our Platform, our policies don't apply to third-party sites.
We don't review linked websites or have control over them. Using third-party sites is at your risk. Check terms and privacy policies of visited websites.
Managing your information

You're accountable for keeping your personal information that you add to the Platform accurate and up-to-date. This includes content from AI-generated prompts that SuperStuff may provide - it is ultimately published by You. SuperStuff is not responsible for any unintentional or intentional misrepresentation in User information. Update your Account profile info by contacting us at To delete your account, reach out to us at the same address.

Data Security
Your data security is paramount to us. While online security isn't foolproof, we employ various measures like SSL encryption, HTTPS, secure server communications, and both internal and external security tests to safeguard your information. In case of a breach, we'll investigate and notify affected Users in accordance with the law. To ensure account access only by you, we verify your identity with unique passwords. It is the User’s responsibility to secure your password and account info. In case of a breach, please reach out to us on so we can help secure your account.

Data Storage
If you're outside the US, your info will be transferred and stored in the US, governed by its laws.

Other Key Points
If SuperStuff is merged or acquired, your info may be transferred as part of the process. You will receive a notification in case of any change in ownership.
After Account closure, we might keep your profile and content for a reasonable period for backup, audit, or regulatory compliance.
We may disclose info as required by law or to protect our interests or third parties.
The Platform isn't for those under 18. We promptly delete info of those under 18 if inadvertently collected.
Reach out to for any questions about SuperStuff, Privacy Policy, or the Platform.

Updated August 14, 2023