When you win, we win 🤝

Free and success-based options for all your hiring needs

PS: It's free!  🎉🎉
Save Up To 58%
Expert Marketplace
Self-serve Limited Access Plan
Keyword-based talent search
View SuperPages of popular experts
Use the 'Get in touch' button on the expert's super.page to connect instantly
Find Experts
Hire Freelancers
Early-bird Fractional Hiring Plan
for brands
Get 3 shortlisted fractional experts matched to your budget
Complimentary advisory from our expert team
Secure payment routing via SuperStuff
Powered by deep work data on 10,000+ experts
Hire Freelancers
Hire Boutique Agencies
Early-bird Agency Procurement Plan
for brands
Get 3 shortlisted agencies matched to your budget
Complimentary advisory from our expert team
Secure payment routing via SuperStuff
Powered by deep work data on 2,000+ agencies
Hire Agencies
Full-Time Hiring
Success-based fee for all salary levels
of annual salary
Access to top-tier professionals
Comprehensive vetting process
Secure payment routing via SuperStuff (optional)
Powered by deep work data on 10,000+ experts
Hire Full Time

SuperStuff is the easy choice for fast growing companies

Intelligent discovery & matching, based on proof-of-work

Powered by AI & thousands of Super Pages that include rich data not searchable elsewhere.

Unlike traditional platforms, SuperStuff emphasizes real-world examples of the work experts have done, providing you with the confidence and data to make informed hiring decisions.

Access thousands of top experts

Find the right combo of skill set, seniority level, and budget

Flexible solutions for all hiring needs

SuperStuff enables you to find the right mix of freelancers, agencies, and full-time employees.

Hire for both short-term projects and long-term roles with ease.


Zero hiring-fee to onboard recommended freelancers & agencies via SuperStuff.

Plus, significant cost savings on full-time hiring — no higher fee for recruiting leadership and executive positions.

Advisory...for free

Not sure whether to hire full-time, freelance or outsource? Or need guidance on how to best allocate your marketing budget?

We’ve built and scaled growth teams for startups and enterprise companies alike, and we’re here to help you make the right unbiased call! :)
Basic plan
Lite plan
Pro plan

Store sales channels

Online web store
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Facebook & Instagram store
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Amazon store
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Direct-link checkouts
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Inventory system

Basic inventory system
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Warehouse stock sync
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Vendor payments
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Warehouse fulfillment
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Shipping management

Domestic shipping
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International shipping
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All-in-one shipping fulfillment
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Product returns
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Frequently asked questions
What is SuperStuff?
SuperStuff leverages deep work data to connect businesses with the best marketing and creative experts.

Our mission is to enable seamless and intelligent collaborations, helping businesses and talent to grow together. 🤝

Our first product, Super.Page, is an AI-powered, free, and user-friendly tool that empowers experts to showcase their best work and build their personal and professional brand.

While we are building a global platform, our initial focus is on making top experts from India accessible both domestically and worldwide.
How does the free model work for hiring freelancers and agencies?
Our Hire Freelancers and Hire Agencies services are free for brands. We charge a small success fee to the talent or agencies, which helps offset their marketing and business development costs while keeping our service free for you.
Can I switch between different services (e.g., from hiring freelancers to full-time)?
Absolutely! Our platform is designed to be flexible. You can easily switch between hiring freelancers, agencies, or full-time employees based on your evolving needs. Get in touch with us here
What are the terms for full-time hiring?
- The fee is 8.3% of the candidate's first-year annual compensation.
- We offer a 90-day free replacement period. If the hired candidate doesn't work out within the first 90 days, we'll find a replacement at no additional cost.
- This service is available for roles with annual compensation above INR  7 lakhs  or $10,000 USD.
- Our 8.3% fee applies to all positions, including leadership and C-suite roles, offering significant savings compared to traditional executive search firms that often charge 20-30%.
How does SuperStuff offer such a low rate for full time hiring?
Our AI-driven platform and efficient processes allow us to offer a flat 8.3% fee for all full-time placements, including executive & leadership positions. This represents substantial savings compared to traditional executive search firms that often charge 20-30% for similar services.
What types of professionals can I find on SuperStuff?
Our platform hosts a diverse range of talent, including marketers, designers, developers, content creators, business strategists, and more. We have both generalists and specialists across various industries.
What are the benefits of hiring agencies or freelancers through SuperStuff?
Working with SuperStuff for your agency and freelancer hiring needs offers several advantages:
1) Risk-Free Hiring: If you're unhappy with the talent, we'll find a free replacement within a week. This ensures your work doesn't stop!
2) Complementary Advisory: On your request, one of our specialists will review work completed once a month and share objective feedback. If you are unsure of your next marketing or growth plans, we are happy to help you prioritize and execute your next steps.
3) Secure Payments & Dispute Resolution: All payments are routed through our platform. We are an objective 3rd party and will assess any potential disputes on deliverables and their impact on payments.
4) Fully Managed Offerings: While our standard service is free for brands, we offer a fully managed service for an additional fee if you prefer a hands-off approach.
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